The science behind germination & growth of microgreens

Microgreens are a popular addition to any meal because these tiny greens pack a big punch in terms of flavour and nutrition. But what is the science behind the germination and growth of microgreens? 

The growth process of a plant.

Firstly, it is important to understand the difference between microgreens and sprouts. Sprouts are the earliest stage of a plant’s development, they are germinated seeds that have just begun to sprout. Whereas microgreens are plants that have developed their first set of ‘true leaves’. This is the key difference between the two and it is why microgreens are superior in both flavour and nutrition.

The germination process for microgreens is the same as sprouts but the growth process is what sets them apart. Microgreens are typically grown in soil and other growing mediums such as coconut coir and peat moss, sprouts can be grown in water alone. Microgreens are then exposed to light whereas sprouts are not. Light, either artificial or sunlight, allows the plants to photosynthesise and produce energy, allowing them to grow.

Seeds sprouting and developing into microgreens.

Once the seeds have germinated they begin to grow and develop their first set of true leaves, this is the moment they become microgreens. The duration of the growth process changes depending on the microgreen variety as well as the growing conditions. On average it takes between 7 – 14 days. Below is an infographic of our most popular microgreen varieties and the duration they each take to grow in our system. 

Number of days it takes to grow Microgreen Basil, Broccoli and Red Cabbage.

The secret to growing healthy and strong microgreens is to provide them with the right environment. This includes:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Light
  • Water.
The secret recipe to healthy microgreens.

If the growing conditions are not ideal, the microgreens will not grow as well, the germination rate will be low and you could have a serious mould problem.

On top of providing the perfect environment, it is crucial to use high-quality seeds to ensure your microgreens are healthy and delicious. At Greens Bali we only use non-GMO organic certified seeds, this allows the seeds to retain their natural genetic makeup, which will often result in better flavour, texture, and nutritional content. Furthermore, organic seeds are considered to be superior in producing a more flavourful microgreen because they are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. 

In conclusion, by understanding the science behind the germination and growth of microgreens, you can ensure your greens are consistently healthy and full of flavour. If you are having problems with your current setup make sure to improve your environment by altering the temperature, humidity, light, watering schedule and seed quality. With the perfect growing conditions and high-quality seeds, you can enjoy fresh microgreens 365 days a year.

Are you looking for a way to add some extra nutrition and flavour to your meals? Look no further than our Microgreens monthly subscription!

Our microgreens are grown using only the best zero-pesticide methods, ensuring that they are not only delicious but also packed full of essential vitamins and minerals. With a wide variety of options including broccoli, kale, and arugula, you’ll never get bored of the taste and nutrition.

By subscribing to our monthly service, you’ll receive a fresh batch of microgreens delivered to your door every week. This means you’ll always have a supply of fresh, healthy greens on hand to add to your meals. Plus, you’ll save money by subscribing compared to buying them regularly.

Join the community of health-conscious individuals who are dedicated to improving their diets and overall well-being.

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The Greens Bali Team