How to grow microgreens at home?
Growing microgreens at home can be a great way to add flavour and nutrition to your meals. You don’t need much space or a lot of effort – just follow this step-by-step guide and you’ll have an abundance of them year-round!
When selecting your microgreens, there is a variety of options ranging from broccoli and kale to radish and arugula seeds. You can obtain these from your local garden shop or online at tokopedia.
Ensure your chosen containers are clean and free from dirt or any other debris. Suitable containers for growing microgreens include plastic trays, pots, or even old takeout containers–as long as the container has drainage holes you are good to go!
Prepare the soil
Mix up your soil, we recommend a mix of cocopeat, potting soil and perlite. Fill your shallow container right up to the top with soil and slightly compress the soil to make it level and flat. Next, evenly distribute your seeds across the soil, you want to ensure there is only 1 layer of seeds – it should look full. Firmly press the seeds into the soil and lightly spritz them with water.
Cover the seeds with a make shift lid, you can use another tray or a light weight tea towel, this is to keep them warm and humid, it also recreates the sensation of being buried a couple centimetres within the ground. Make sure to keep the lid on until the seeds have sprouted, this is usually 2-4 days. This process if referred to as a ‘black-out’.
Once the seeds have all sprouted and are at least 2 cm tall, place them under light, this can be artificial or sunlight. Microgreens require plenty of light for successful growth, make sure they are exposed to sunshine or placed under a grow lamp. The soil should conitnually be slightly damp but not drenched, we recommend watering twice a day with a spray bottle.
When the microgreens reach your desired size, between 1-4 inches, cut them with scissors just above the soil level. You will need a nice sharp pair of scissors for this task, the cleaner the cut, the longer the harvested greens will last in your fridge.
Indulge in your microgreens! They can enliven salads, sandwiches, smoothies – you name it. Not only that, but they are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, lending a delightful flavour to any dish.
Taking up growing microgreens is an enjoyable and tasty pastime that anyone can participate in. With some dedication and effort, you will have access to a continuous supply of healthy, nutrient-packed microgreens right at your disposal.